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Child I.D. Program

Child I.D. Links
Code Amber
Missing Children
FL Dept. of L.E.
EZ Child ID System
Flordia Amber Alert
Ntl Child ID ProgramComing Soon!
“Child ID Newsletter Q&A”
“Sponsors and Supporters”
“Event Photos”
“Child ID website”
“Online Donations
Donations are accepted:

The Masonic District 26 Child Identification Program is a 501(c)(3) public charity.   If any corporate, lodge or individual donations are a consideration, they may be made out and sent to the following:

Masonic Charities of Florida
P.O.Box 1020
Jacksonville, FL 32201-1020
Attn: Sharon Edenfield
For: District 26 Child ID

Child I.D. Program
Mission Statement
It is the goal of the Florida Masonic Child Identification Program to provide a cost free service to communities throughout the state of Florida that will expedite the search for a child in the event they become missing. Florida is divided into 36 Masonic districts with the 26th Masonic District encompassing Brevard County.   It is our intent to assist law enforcement agencies throughout the state in the retrieval of missing children as well as senior citizens (Silver ID)through the use of the Child ID program.The program consists of documenting:

  • The Parent/guardian’s name
  • The child’s name and address
  • Date of birth
  • The child’s physical description
  • Profile and portrait pictures
  • Fingerprints via digital fingerprinting
  • Voice recording
  • DNA samples.

The above information is placed on a CD and given to the parent/guardian so it can be provided to responding law enforcement agencies for immediate broadcast to Amber Alert and other supporting agencies in case of emergency. Also from this information, two (2) laminated identification cards with photo and thumb fingerprint will be produced.

With an understanding to the sensitivity of parent’s concern for the well-being of their children, we stress the fact that ALL information obtained during processing will be returned to the parent. Absolutely NO database/information will be maintained by our agency. Per the system operating parameters, each session is automatically wiped clean once it is completed and a new one started.

The Masonic Child Identification program is available to any business, school, church, day care center or civic organization in our community that wishes to host a Child I.D. session. There is absolutely NO fee for this community service; either to the parent or the host. The program operates solely from corporate and individual donations.

Rod Bornefeld, P:.M:.

26th Masonic District
Child Identification Program

Richard E. Lynn, P.G.M.                      Gerald O’dell, PDDGM

Florida Grand Lodge Sec.                     State Chairman, Child I.D. Program
(800) 375-2339                                       (352) 585-820